Michele Carelse and George Luntz from Native Remedies talk about natural herbal remedies.
Leg Cramp Away Is A Home Remedy For Leg Cramps
Keep a supply on hand so you have it when you need it.
Leg cramps are so very common. We all might suffer from them either occasionally or regularly. A leg cramp occurs when a muscle spasms with involuntary contraction. It is a painful knot in the calf, hamstring, quadriceps, or even foot. The agony can last only a few seconds or up to fifteen minutes ... or more. Painful leg muscle cramps often occur at night and can disrupt your sleep. There is a natural remedy for leg cramps - Leg Cramp Away!
Leg Cramp Away Is A Home Remedy For Leg Cramps
Keep a supply on hand so you have it when you need it.
Leg Cramp Away by Native Remedies
* Temporarily alleviates leg cramp pain
* Relaxes the muscle spasms that cause cramps in your legs and calves
* Promotes healthy leg circulation
Have it on hand, when you need it for leg cramps!